Get Involved

Our membership is made up of ex-patients and their relatives, of people who are devoted to the St George Hospital Cardiothoracic Unit because it performs such a crucial role in community care, of people who are simply committed to community service in a number of different areas and of Staff and ex-Staff of the Cardiothoracic Unit.

The Knights of St George would dearly love to have you and your family become members of our special Association. Membership costs $10 a year and you will receive two Newsletters each year. We hold two Dinner Dances each year. At present, venues rotate between Penshurst RSL, Club Rivers, St George Rugby League Football Club and Club Central, Hurstville. We also have a street stall at Club Rivers in March each year. We have wonderful support from all of these clubs.

You are most welcome and indeed encouraged to attend our meetings. If you are interested please phone our president, Dr David Horton on 9522 9888 or click here for our online membership form. We will let you know the date of our next meeting.

If you would like to make a donation to The Knights of St George Heart Association in memory of a loved one, please click here to download a donation slip that can be returned to us with your donation. For more information please contact us.

Do please come along and meet us and see for yourself that we are a happy, informal group working for a very good cause.

We look forward to meet you very soon!